TIDY App Is Now Cleanster.com
After 3 years under the TIDY app name, we are changing our name to Cleanster.com
The new name will further align our values with our users. Cleanster.com is still the #1 cleaning platform for property owners and short-term rentals.
After 3 years under the TIDY app name, we are changing our name to Cleanster.com.
The new name will further align our values with our users. Cleanster.com is still the #1 cleaning platform for property owners and short-term rentals.
Our mission
At Cleanster.com, our primary mission is to give everyone convenient and quality access to cleaning services while giving service professionals real work to help them become entrepreneurs with an ethical platform that pays them a living wage.
We are starting a movement to make cleaning services available to a broad audience rather than a luxury for the rich. Additionally, we’re providing thousands of work opportunities to individuals who love to clean. By creating an easy way to match everyone with trusted, professional service providers at an affordable rate, we’re taking the first step toward our mission of creating happiness everywhere.
What changes for TIDY APP users:
- The new login address will be app.cleanster.com.
- You can still use app.tidyapp.io, which will redirect you.
- Our client app will change its name to Cleanster.com with the next update.
- Our cleaner app name will change to Cleanster.comPro with our next update.
What does not change for TIDY APP users:
- Our services will remain with no interruption or disruptions.
- You will not need to reconnect or re-adjust anything.
- Your login and password will remain the same on app.cleanster.com.
- Same team, same product, same support!
We are excited to align with your values further and continue delivering the same excellent experience to property owners and short-term rentals!