Our Mission & Vision

Our mission is to conveniently connect people with reliable cleaning services while empowering cleaners through fair pay and technological innovation.

Our vision is to be the leading platform that revolutionizes the cleaning industry, creating a global community of empowered cleaning professionals.

Who We Are

Cleanster is more than just a cleaning service; we are a platform driven by a mission to revolutionize the cleaning industry. We connect individuals with reliable and convenient cleaning services, while simultaneously empowering cleaning professionals with fair wages, entrepreneurial opportunities, and an ethical work environment. Through the innovative use of technology and artificial intelligence, we strive to create a seamless experience for both our customers and cleaners. We believe in fostering a global community of empowered cleaning professionals, ensuring they have the tools and support to thrive. At Cleanster.com, we are dedicated to building a future where clean and healthy homes are accessible to everyone, while cleaning professionals are valued and respected.

Why Choose Cleanster

Effortless Booking, Exceptional Cleaning. Cleanster isn't just another cleaning service; we're a revolution in the making. We provide a seamless and convenient experience for both customers seeking reliable cleaning and professionals looking for empowering opportunities.

Gloria Oppong

Co-founder & CEO Specialties: Operations & Community Building

Atul Patil

Atul Patil

Co-founder & CTO Specialties: Tech & AI

Derrick Agyiri

Co-founder & CFO Specialties: Finance & Business Planning